Tuesday, March 13, 2012

>Circus approximans (Swamp Harrier)

Swamp Harrier
Swamp Harrier
Adult female standing over a dead hare
Adult male standing in flight
Conservation status
Scientific classification
(or Accipitriformes, q.v.)
Species:C. approximans
Binomial name
Circus approximans
Peale, 1848
The Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans) also known as the Marsh Harrier, Australasian Harrier, Kāhu, Swamp-hawk or New Zealand Hawk is a large, slim bird of prey in the family Accipitridae.


Immature flying in Victoria, Australia
The Swamp Harrier is largely dark brown, becoming lighter with age, and has a distinct white rump. It hunts by flying slowly, low to the ground, on upswept wings. The body length is 50 to 60 cm (20–24 in), and the wingspan is 120 to 145 cm. The recorded weights of adults range from 580 to 1100 g, and females are significantly larger than the males.

Distribution and habitat

The Swamp Harrier is widespread through Australasia and many islands in the south-west Pacific region, including much of Australia (except the arid region), New ZealandFijiVanuatu and New Caledonia. It is usually found in wetlands and well-watered open country.



The Swamp Harrier mainly feeds on ground birds and waterbirdsrabbits and other smallmammalsreptilesfrogs and fish. It also known to feed on carrion where available, including roadkill.


This species nests on the ground, often in swamps, on a mound in reeds or other dense vegetation. The clutch size may range from 2 to 7, but is usually 3 or 4. The incubation period is about 33 days, with chicks fledging about 45 days after hatching.

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